Monday, December 5, 2011

Where have you BEEN!?!!??

Where have you BEEN?

Oh. My. Goodness.

I apologize. Profusely. Let me grovel.

It's been months since I posted, and for that I absolutely do apologize. As I'm sure you have, too, I have had a lot going on in my life. I will spare you the tedious details of all the goings-on, suffice it to say that we have had many a failure in house hunting,an inordinate amount of health issues arise and to top it off, we welcomed a new little critter into the bunch. I will go on about him, of course, as I do love my squishies.

His name is Icarus and we purchased him from the same breeder ( from whom we purchased Sayuri. Mr. Gnome and I had been joking around about getting another smooshieface for a while but never really thought we were going to ACTUALLY take the plunge. I broke down and e-mailed Marianne to let her know how we were doing and inquire about her squishies when she told me she had a perfect addition to my family... and pretty much wouldn't take no for an answer.

My heavens I'm so glad we said yes. Icarus has become my shadow and is one of the most loving little guys I've ever had the pleasure of allowing to own me. Seriously. He's an addiction I just can't break.

And that, followers, is the main reason I haven't been posting. See, I get all caught up in the novelty of new animals (and.. ahem... new video games) that I become absorbed and whooshed out of my comfort zone and into the throws of addiction. At least I have take the first step: I have admitted my Icarus Addiction and can now move forward with the recovery process.

Look forward to hearing from all of you!

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