Saturday, November 27, 2010

Two new bags!

I am pleased to announce the completion of two new bags this evening.
One bag is a custom creation for AnneB. This is the bag which uses the beautiful poppy lane fabric I just received in stock. This bag features a complete zip top, 6 internal pockets and 3 pen pockets.


The next bag was made quite quickly when I had nothing better to do. I didn't have the intentions of making this new bag but... it just happened. I'm quite pleased with the results. See for yourself :)

In other (kind of sad) news! I realized, tonight, that I cannot continue to make zip top bags unless I charge at least $50.00 a piece. Let me break down my costs for you.

One yard of interfacing is $3. I used a whopping 3.75 yards of interfacing on the red poppy bag. How, you ask? I have NO IDEA. The outside requires a stiffer interfacing, and the bottom a double dose of interfacing. Then there's the internal fabric, all the pockets, the zip top and the handles. This price equals $11.25.

Then, there's the fabric. The poppy and chandelier fabric is $8.00 per yard. Because of the width and directional printing of the fabric, I had to use about 1.25 yard of external fabric. Because of the pockets, I had to use about 1.5 yards of the internal fabric. This is equal to 2.75 yards, or $22.00.

Each of the zippers cost about $2, so $4 total.

Not including the 8 hours I spent washing and pressing the fabric, measuring, cutting, applying interfacing and meticulous sewing of the bag - the cost of materials alone is $37.25.
This fact is a bit shocking to me. I did not realize that I was spending this much on my bags. Because I buy fabric here and there and have a stock of zippers, key clasps and other goodies, I just did not realize how much money I truly was spending. My overall goal is to make a fantastic product at an affordable price. However, even if I undercharge at $2/hr, the price for this bag is $53.25. It is so hard for me to believe.

For the time being, I believe I will be sticking to my open-top totes which feature either a button, magnetic snap or no closure. It cuts at least 3 hours off the bag itself because I am not yet proficient in the zip top and even if I were, it would probably add at least 1 hour to the bag production. If you would like a zip-top bag, I'd be more than happy to make one for you but it will take a considerably longer amount of time and it will cost a great deal more. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. If I could... I'd make them all for free.

<3 Until next time....

Monday, November 22, 2010

So Exciting!

Wahoo! We got another custom order! Also, the brand new website is up and running, due in part to a largely sleepless weekend and an obsessive desire to get it in display-order. There are still bits and pieces that need to be completed but on the whole, it's more than presentable.
Please visit my new website here:

Beth picked up her custom made mushroom bag (see bag here or here) yesterday and has already said "Everything fits perfect in my new mushroom purse! Thanks so much!"  It was hard to part with the lil'shroomer, but it had to be done. It's the only way I can afford to make more bags for all of you. So, on to bigger and better things.

All fabric for the new custom commissioned bag has been purchased, fastened and laundered. It sits eagerly awaiting to be trimmed at my sewing desk. The sad part about its lonely wait is that I won't be playing with it tonight. It's my mental health night, of sorts -- Girls Night! This fabric, by the way, is one of the most lovely fabrics I have ever purchased. Mr. gnome himself even approves... which says a lot since he is rarely interested in the goings-on of my fabric. Here is a grainy iphone picture of the sheer size of these poppies. It's perfect for a bag!

This custom-commissioned bag is for geebee's mother ( Concurrently, geebee' s little one just turned 6 months today so I would like to extend my warmest half-birthday wishes to the squidgey.

<3 horray for squidge!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A gleeful morning

Merry Saturday to all, and to all a good morn'!!

Terribly sorry for the semi-holiday sound, but it is a fantastic morning over here in the CPD household. A "Christmas wreath" candle was purchased last night, lit this morning and smells delightfully cheery. However, that is not the bulk of the happy-maker. The snufflings of the squishface-happycat which sits next to me a-chewing on her toes is also comforting; not wholely as comforting as making a sale... but it will suffice on these chilly mornings.
Ah, for the love of happycat

The bulk of the happy-maker is this: We had a sale last night! One of Tot's Totes in Tweed with matching black buttons was purchased by an individual in Massachusetts. It was lovingly packaged and shipped out first thing this morning. Nothing like a sale to get those creative motivations up-n-at-'em on an early Saturday morning.

That's that... I'm going to get crafting. Happy day to all!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lovin the Mushroom Print

Take a look at this adorable mushroom-print bag, which was made by custom request. It boasts 3 pockets and two pen pockets. It features a button closure and embellished straps. Take note: new, happy, non-cell phone pictures for you to browse at your leisure! Please leave your feedback, input or other noteworthy comments!

Now is the time for that custom order! This style of bag starts at $18.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Why hello, again...

It feels like forever since I've posted anything. That is quite possibly because I have been sick for three whole weeks. I even *dun dun dun* had to take a few days off work in order to sleep my steroid-and-antibiotic-laden sickness away. I do feel that the medicine is helping and that I'm on the path to mending.
What does this mean for you? GOOD NEWS!
As I keep posting, and then taking back, I WILL be working on new creations. I just received some awesome Christmas themed fabric as well as some adorable dots-and-umbrellas that will make you swoon.

I  am also now taking custom orders for the holidays. Please contact me if you would like to place a custom handbag or wallet order.
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