Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tutorial Tuesday - or, "I'm Out Of White Thread!"

Happy Tuesday!

I promised a flat-bottomed zip-pouch tutorial, and a flat-bottomed zip-pouch tutorial is what I will provide. I know many of you have made zip-pouches before, but this is the way I have found that works for me. This post is fairly pic-heavy (sorry for the iffy quality of some of them -- I only had so much daylight to work with!).Additionally, I won't be posting new projects until I get my hates-to-leave-my-house-behind to the store to grab some white thread. This staple of my sewing... um... things... has been practically running away. I have *no* idea how I have gone through so much white thread. I need a gigantically large spool. Anyone have a tremendous spool of thread they'd like to gift me?


Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Homemade To-Make list

A slightly less-than-perky "howdy!' to all of you. Why not cheerful? Mr. Gnome and I went a-house hunting this weekend. On one of my morning online searches, I found a property not previously found in my search. It didn't have many pictures posted but it did state it is on almost 4 acres, has some pasture land, lots of goodie-oodie-oodies (such as an already built chicken coop) and some outbuildings that need fixing up. The price is only a little higher than we would like to spend. The kicker is

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

On Houseplants and Holistics

Acalypha pendula
I do believe I have mentioned before in this blog that I have a love for many, many things. One of these loves includes houseplants. I had a wonderful terrarium filled with many goodies, a Dwarf Chenile plant (Acalypha pendula), a Passion Flower (Passiflora caerulea) that I moved inside for the winter and loves to bloom on snow days, a Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) which keeps sprouting little baby plants no matter how many I pluck - and a plethora of plants which may or may not continue to grow. A few weeks ago I brought home a $2 fern from Produce Junction -- which has awesome produce in the Phila area, by the way. Anyway!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Slothful Sunday

It has been a very slow, slothful Sunday here. At the end of the last workweek, I could not have been more excited for all the potential craft time. However, as the weekend progressed, I got less and less motivated to be creative. Since it is the weekend of Valentines Day, Mr. Gnome and I headed down to NE Phila to grab a bite to eat at the tiniest hole-in-the-wall sushi joint. I kid you not: This place has the most BANGIN spicy tuna roll I have ever tasted. And their seared black pepper tuna is so fall-apart tender that it melts in your mouth. We were so excited to go there that we even got all dressed up for the occasion... to be excitedly greeted by a customerless waitress. We got to pick our own table and got top-notch service. We really could not have asked for a better date.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I have had the pleasure of having an unexpected visitor the past three days. Her name?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

In hopes of spring

Happy Saturday, followers!
I've been a busy little bee today and completed two new bags to share with all of you.

They are made from Riley Blake's "Rainy days and mondays" collection. I must say, they're absolutely adorable. One is a smaller purse, measuring around 7x9. The other is a medium size tall tote.
Check them out!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Buh-rand new bag!

Well howdy hello how-do-you-do?!

I'm in a perked up mood because I successfully tore apart my machine and put it back together and am happy to report I got her all fixed up! I was able to finish the custom commissioned mushroom bag and it will be to its destination by Friday evening. How amazing a snow day can be for one's spirit and determination. It has been my day of happiness and hope.

Enough words, on with the bag!

Ice Storm and Productivity

Isn't it amazing how a bit of natural beauty sparks the creative spirit?
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