Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rockin Snowstorm in the Northeast

 Tonight, I started making a custom-commissioned zip-top bag in a slightly new design. I've got a bit more time to make it than usual so I have time to play around with the design to make it better and more efficient. So far, I have been quite pleased with the result.

Something that's adding to my please-ed-ness is the fabric itself. It is a green mushroom print cotton on the outside and inside is a super soft faux suede... It's like soft feathers on my fingertips. I don't know that I will be able to go back to regular cotton after this. Let me tell you, it is truly heavenly.

Look for pictures coming soon.

Despite the looming snowstorm that's threatening my town, I have kept a positive outlook about tomorrow... and perhaps the slight hope that work will be canceled so I will have all day to craft craft craft!

What have you been crafting lately?

Please share!


  1. Well, besides the recipe box I made for Bruce, I have been making lots of baskets for orders and trying to finish a quilt for my neice that I started in April 2009 so I can quilt the one I peiced for my neice who was born in June and start one for Lainey's baby who was born in August! Whew! Lots to do and I feel like I will never get it done! Oh, and I am trying to finish some crocheted snowflakes I made over 10 years ago, but it looks like they won't get done until next winter either! I think I start too many things at once here...

  2. I know exactly how you feel. I start one project, then something else catches my eye and I say "oooohh I just HAVE to try that RIGHT NOW!"... and repeat. But, hey, at least we will always have something to do!


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